
Frans van Baaren

Vice President, Global Head of Workspace Engineering, Credit Suisse

Frans van Baaren is a Vice President and Credit Suisse's Head of Workspace Engineering. In his current role he leads a global multi-cultural team that designs and engineers managed workspace solutions for physical, virtual and mobile platforms being used by the entire bank. Currently his focus is on value creating innovation, strengthening engagement with technology vendors and cost & delivery optimization. Frans joined Credit Suisse in 2007 initially as a Deputy Head of Desktop Engineering being primarily responsible for the engineering resourcing. Prior to Credit Suisse, Frans spent two years with Partner Re, a mid-size global reinsurance company, as Group IT Infrastructure Operations Manager after spending three years with Philips Electronics in a combined role as Country IT manager for Switzerland and IT Quality & Process Manager for Northern, Central & Eastern Europe. In 1996 Frans started his career in the Desktop Solutions practice of Atos (formerly known as Atos Origin) in the Netherlands and transferred in 2000 to their Managed Services practice in Zurich, Switzerland. While working with Atos he held senior roles on a variety of desktop and infrastructure projects.


Credit Suisse

Die Credit Suisse beschäftigt als Grossbank weltweit rund 47'400 Mitarbeiter, davon rund 21'000 in der Schweiz. Die Bank hat 2 Mio. Privatkunden, mehr als 100'000 Firmenkunden und beschäftigt für deren Betreuung 2100 Kundenberater. Das Unternehmen ist in die Sparten Investment Banking, Private Banking und Vermögensverwaltung unterteilt. Per Ende 2012 wies die Credit Suisse eine Bilanzsumme von 924,2 Milliarden Schweizer Franken und einen Reingewinn von 1,349 Milliarden Franken aus. Die Credit Suisse ist als Universalbank in den Bereichen Investment Banking, Private Banking und Vermögensverwaltung (Asset Management) tätig. Zur Credit Suisse Gruppe gehören unter anderem die Neue Aargauer Bank sowie die auf Privatkredite und Leasing spezialisierte Bank-now. Darüber hinaus ist die Credit Suisse Group mit der Tochtergesellschaft Wincasa im Immobilienbereich tätig.