

1 | Challenge your Peers

Mittwoch, 25. Juni

17:05 - 18:05

Live in Berlin

Weniger Details

  • Welche spezifischen Herausforderungen entstehen bei der Erweiterung von EAM-Repositories zur Unterstützung von Risikotransparenz und regulatorischen Anforderungen?
  • Wie kann ein IT Change Council erfolgreich alle relevanten Stakeholder einbinden und den Konsens fördern?
  • Welche Best Practices gibt es, um mit EAM eine Balance zwischen Tool- und Prozessoptimierung sowie den Anforderungen von Governance und Compliance zu erreichen?


Claudia Gsottberger

Senior Enterprise Architect, Munich Re

... connecting the dots ...
business focused enterprise architect combining E- and X-shaped skill sets

Over the last few years in different roles focused on bridging between business and IT in order to shape high performing diverse teams and in order to build stable, reliable, cost-efficient, global IT solutions.

- enterprise architecture
- digital transformation, core transformation, new business models
- IT strategy, IT transformation, business development
- data analytics, AI, AI governance
- various methodical approaches
- excellent personal skills
- e2e business process transformation
- distributed agile, DevOps, cloud projects
- business process automation
- e2e software development life-cycle
- solid software engineering experience
- attitude to challenge requirements and present them from a different perspective to provide optimal solutions and avoid potential traps
- in depth (re-)insurance knowledge, focus on non-life underwriting & claims, client management, data analytics


Munich Re

We are one of the top providers of reinsurance, primary insurance, and insurance-related risk solutions in the world Taking on risks worldwide of every type and complexity, the Munich Re Group and its business units are active in all lines of insurance. Our consistent risk management, financial stability, and client proximity make us a much sought-after trusted business partner.
