Case Study
Donnerstag, 26. Juni
10:20 - 10:50
Live in Berlin
Weniger Details
Hapag-Lloyd wants to help their IT product teams to get better by identifying which setups and processes are running good and which not to offer trainings and knowledge exchange to close identified gaps. CAST is a tool measuring among others productivity based on so-called “Automated Enhancement Points”, AEPs for short, which is an OMG standard to measure software size. In a pilot we used CAST for one year on a quarterly basis on product team level, not per individual person. Each time measuring how many AEPs have been created and putting it into relationship with invested person days as well as different parameters like collaboration model and experience with our technology stack. We evaluated which parameters increase productivity of a product team and which pitfalls needs to be avoided. This presentation will overview aim, setup, learnings and main results.